About P.A.C.K. :: Post Apocalyptic Cleaning Kit P.A.C.K. is a first-person cleaning simulation game where users play as a robot designed to clean up after natural disasters. The only problem is that it’s the end of the world …but that’s never stopped a robot from carrying out its objectives. Wash, vacuum and clear debris from […]
Read MoreDesk Clutter Kit Price Reduction!
February 22, 2023Howdy Folks! The Desk Clutter Kit has been permanently reduced in price from $15 down to $5 for both Unity and Unreal packages. I’m currently reviewing all of the Asset Store content so keep an eye out for further price reductions.
Read MoreOffice Mega Kit 30% Off
July 4, 2018The Office Mega Kit is now 30% off through July 6th. Celebrate the 4th of July with a content pack containing over 250 prefab parts.
Read MoreOffice Mega Kit 1.2 Update
July 17, 2017The Office Mega Kit has been updated to version 1.2. This is a minor update which adds a new hallway piece. The new piece is a Hallway 3-Way piece with a doorway so that a room can be placed at the end of a hallway with a t-junction. Available now on the Unity Asset Store.
Read MoreMercury Fallen Now In Alpha
June 15, 2017Mercury Fallen alpha has just been released on Itch.IO and is on sale for 25% off until the end of June. The game has been in development for a long time and I’m really excited to see people starting to enjoy it. There is a lot more coming for Mercury Fallen so now is a great time […]
Read MoreMercury Fallen 1.2 Update
June 2, 2017Mercury Fallen has made a lot of progress and the new 1.2 update fixes up a whole lot of issues and adds some great new features. The update is now available for download on Itch.IO. For more information about what is included in the 1.2 update head over to the Mercury Fallen website. Mercury Fallen Website Download […]
Read MoreApril Madness Sale!
April 17, 2017We’re excited to offer several great Nitrous Butterfly Unity assets at 25% off from April 17th through April 30th. The follow assets are 25% off right now! Desk Clutter Kit Office Hall Stuff Pack RTGizmo Office Mega Kit Office Level Kit Miner’s Cave Pack Office Cafeteria Kit
Read MoreDesk Clutter Kit UE4
February 28, 2017The Desk Clutter Kit is available on the Unreal Marketplace and has been added to the new Unreal Engine section in the menu above. The Desk Clutter Kit is only $14.99 and has been checked out with the latest release of the Unreal Engine 4. I have tried to migrate over additional kits to the Unreal Engine […]
Read MoreOffice Mega Kit 30% Off!
January 10, 2017For the month of January the Office Mega Kit is on sale for 30% off. Now is the time to grab yourself a copy if you’re a Unity Pro owner or have access to the Level 11 sales content. Head on over and get a copy today.
Read MoreUpgrade To Office Mega Kit
January 3, 2017The Office Level Kit is now available for upgrade to the Office Mega Kit. For only $35 you can get a copy the Office Mega Kit if you have already purchased the Office Level Kit. Head on over the Unity Asset Store and check it out.
Read MoreMercury Fallen
September 20, 2016While making game assets keeps the lights on, my main passion is developing games. I’ve just got the website setup for my new project called Mercury Fallen which is a sci-fi colony survival game. It’s still early in development, but I’m very excited about the project. If you want to learn more head over to the Mercury […]
Read MoreData Loss
August 29, 2016So we lost a bunch of previous website data as our previous hosting went down. I am currently working to bring the various assets back online, but it will take a little bit. If there are any product or general concerns/inquiries the contact form has been put back up. Certainly contact us if you have any concerns […]
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